Tinni in Japan!

A lot of things have happened in the first 4+ months of this year. Including my trip to Japan!

Before going to Japan, I undertook a six-week course on Project Management for Professionals with RMIT. I have been doing project management for the last 10 years, but I felt that it was good to do a formal course to plug any gaps in my skills.

This is the second short course I took at RMIT. Two years ago, I completed a course on Business Analysis to consolidate my knowledge on that front. But unlike last time, we had to bring our own project to manage for this course.

Most of my current projects have an element of confidentiality and were not suited to the waterfall management methodology we were supposed to apply. So, instead, I did my final assessment on a planning project for my trip to Japan!

I had to submit the project a week early because of my planned trip since the last two weeks of the course overlapped with my trip. So literally the day before I was flying off, I was finalising the documents and recording the presentation.

I got the results back shortly after the Easter holidays, and I, unfortunately, had to redo the budget sections to demonstrate more clearly that I knew what I was doing. So that sucked, but I redid the project schedule and other documents and re-recorded the presentation. And I passed!

Tinni in Japan

In between my RMIT submissions, I, of course, went to Japan to try and catch some cherry blossoms! I succeeded to an extent, but the bulk of the blooms were delayed due to the weather still being wet and cold.

I had a lot of fun. I experienced a Tokyo earthquake and missed my flight on the last day because of how much fun I was having. I spent way too much money, but now I am back!

I am glad to get a bucket list item of seeing the Sakura bloom in Japan, checked off and now on to the next thing!