Kinolytics: Developing visual query and visual analytics tools for the exploration of cinema (kino) data


This was a project idea I developed with Professor Deb Verhoeven of Deakin's University for the Alfred Deakin Postdoctoral Research Fellowships


The aim of the project was to be to, 1) research and develop visual analytics tools using the global Cinema Showtime dataset (Kinomatics), available at the Centre for Memory, Imagination and Invention (CMII) thus 2) research new, engaging tools and techniques for the exploration of the data by both expert and non-expert users interested in cinema to visually query the dataset in a meaningful way, and 3) allow the fore mentioned users to use the researched tools and techniques to discover trends and patterns in the cultural propagation through the production and distribution of motion pictures.


Unfortunately, I was not successful with the fellowship grant application.